- Stone Face - portland stone 1991
- Stone face - stone carving inspired by African Masks.
- A prominent theme during my third year at college.
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- Pass the pigs - plaster & oil paint 1994
- Inspired by the game 'Pass the Pigs' and a particularly 'pig like man I once met'. A portrait of this man is severed by layers of pigs ears, giving the impression of a flower from across the room - becoming obvious the nearer one gets to the piece.
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- Angel Baby - plaster & oil paint 1993
- Inspired by the cherubs of Grinling Gibbons and once called 'Who ate all the pies'.
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- Mrs Holmes - 1990
- A portrait of a very generous and kind old lady who had a lovely crooked smile.
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- Featherhead - 1991
A head inspired by the feather masks of South America.
- Made of wire and feathers and suspended from the ceiling.
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- The Sea - Direct Steel 10ft x 5ft 1990
- A Storm at Sea in metalwork, welded from 5mm plate
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